DKING MARKETING / David King Marketing Solutions was founded by David King, a veteran SEO professional with over 27 years of Internet Marketing and Online Web Production experience, complimented with a career in the Information Technology Industry which he began in 1993. Mr. King has provided direct SEO Services and Web Consulting Services for literally thousands of websites (many of which even you most likely may have visited a time or two yourself).
FUN FACT: In August of 1998 the term “Search Engine Optimization” became popularized by Danny Sullivan, founder of Search Engine Watch, after being coined by the Webstep Marketing Agency near the end of 1997. By this time, David King was already a pioneer in the Search Engine Optimization industry while working at The Walt Disney Company’s Disney Online Division and was an integral part of the team when Disney acquired the Go Network and Go Search Engine. In fact, David King had the honor of helping lead the production operations, web integration, and web ops teams during his time at Disney Online from Feb. 1997 through June 2002 and was a member of the elite and highly prestigious Disney’s Secret Staff.
While at Disney Online, Mr. King was responsible for managing the web production systems and operations for websites such as,,,,,,, Toontown, Pirates Online,,,,, and many more.
Approximately six months before the term Search Engine Optimization was coined, David and his fellow “cast members” at Disney discovered how; by carefully managing the HTML source code of a webpage they could increase the ranking positions for that page in the search results (SERPS). Shortly thereafter, Disney acquired the Go Network (Go Search Engine). The knowledge gained while working at Disney proved invaluable to the path Mr. King would take in his professional Internet industry career.
SEO expert, private SEO trainer and advisor to top ranked SEO consultants around the world, David King spent the majority of his professional career in Los Angeles and Hollywood California helping the marketing efforts of various entertainment companies, record studios, recording artists, entertainers, and music industry professionals, while also focusing on local, regional, national, and international SEO projects for businesses in one of the most diversified portfolios of clients spanning every imaginable industry and niche.
David King left Disney in 2002 and went on to work for Xerox Corporation, and then to a major SEO company and controller of the world’s leading Internet Yellow Page Business Directories. While there, Mr. King was able to gain experience and insight into nearly every imaginable industry as well as having direct access to what people typed in on every search engine on earth. This provided a wealth of knowledge that could be leveraged to help people increase their visibility online for his wide range of clients in extremely diverse industries gaining exposure to their actual target audience like never before.
It was at this point in his career that Mr. King could literally take almost any website, in nearly any niche, and get it to rank at the top of the organic search results. Something that for over a decade allowed Mr. King and his SEO teams to maintain a 92% customer retention rate, among the highest in the web marketing industry. His ability to consistently increase the online exposure and visibility of the websites he worked for and get tangible results from him and his team of contractors have been the primary factors contributing to such a high customer retention rate over the years. The list of websites Mr. King has had his hands on over the years is extremely diverse as is our list of current and former clients.
The team at DKing Marketing consists of independent search engine optimization experts who have worked directly with Mr. King during his long career as an internet developer and SEO expert. Many of the team members of DKing Marketing are well-known throughout the SEO industry, and as a collective, our group of SEOs have been responsible and recognized as leaders who have helped shape the future of the Internet industry as a whole.
“SEO is very competitive. In fact, I used to play a game with some of my colleagues in the Interenet marketing industry. I asked them to name an industry or niche you think I can’t provide at least one example in where my client ranks on Page 1 of Google. It was always fun to rib other talented professionals and try to stump them. This form of competition motivated us all and drove us to keep pushing for even better results. I always loved being able to show tons of examples. The best part of this game was that our clients and their prospective customers are the ones who truly won.“
-David King – When asked if he felt SEO was a competitive industry
When it comes to results, we feel that they truly do speak for themselves. Our goal is to improve the ranking positions of our client’s websites and help increase the number of ways they can be found when people are searching for what they offer.
Often we find our clients have felt intimidated to handle the SEO themselves, or worse, afraid to ask for help, or knowing who to turn to, and who to trust. Too many times we have heard clients say that they were worried that SEO consultants cost way too much, and their marketing budgets wouldn’t be able to afford a good professional SEO agency or Marketing Professional. The fact is, that an experienced SEO expert can find ways to improve ANY website with very little to low effort (aka COST).
The key is simply asking the right people for help and not being afraid to ask. Be honest with your budget, start small if you have to, and if you SEE results, keep going back and scaling your SEO services from that search engine marketing consultant. If you were not directly referred to a specific SEO consultant with confidence, or perhaps you just stumbled upon an SEO professional and you know nothing about them. There is NO REASON to be afraid of starting off small. This will allow you to build TRUST with the people you are working with. Sure, often the bigger the budget, the quicker the results can be. However, the key is finding a team you can count on, one that will actually deliver results you can see and feel with your own two eyes. The proof is always in details. The outcome of the efforts made by a competent SEO consultant or Internet Marketing Agency and the data that supports the results of those efforts is the ONLY thing any website owner should base their opinions on. Start scaling up once you see those results.
At this organization, we thrive when building life-long relationships with our clients. In addition to any referrals we may get from our existing clients, retaining your business long-term, is without a doubt, the primary way we want to produce revenue at For over two decades we have boldly met this head-on, but providing exceptional customer support and REAL RESULTS for our clients, leading to an outstanding customer retention record. This is why we do what we do. We LOVE what we do and love it, even more, when we feel the love from our clients thanks to the level of customer service we provide along with the results we achieve. We honestly feel like our clients are our friends, not just “clients”. Treating them the way we would want to be treated and HELPING them along the way. This has helped us earn life-long business relationships that stick and have true meaning to all of us here at David King Marketing Solutions.

“Let’s be frank, Search Engine Optimization and Social Media Marketing go hand in hand. There is no denying that SMM (Social Media Marketing) is crucial to today’s online world. However, if we are being honest, unless you or your client has a ridiculously large marketing budget it will be extremely difficult to compete with the big established companies that do have those huge budgets. I am not saying not to try, or to just forget about it. It’s important to approach any social media marketing campaign with a very wide view of the niche and target audience. What I am saying is carefully planned SMM campaigns can be great if they are managed right, but if you were able to ensure top ranking organic positions on Search Engines, you wont be paying per click. Additionally, when people do stumble upon your clients brand on a social media platform, odds are they are going to run a search or two before feeling confident enough to buy from them. The Internet is the greatest resource tool for instant research. Consumers are smart, they know how to research and where to click and what to avoid, mostly without even thinking about it. We have all been “programed” to expect and do certain things from experience right? Approximatly 80% of all web users skip passed the Paid Ads and about 75% of all web search engine users NEVER click past the first page of those results. Ensuring websites can be found easily, especially from a keyword search, is the holly grail of online marketing for any business or any website, period.”
-David King – While consulting SEO professionals at a leading Web Marketing Agency
As one of the many industry leaders in Search Engine Marketing, DKing Marketing is here to make things simple while making it easier for your website to be found. We are not here to increase the number of clients we have or just focus on sales goals. We are here to increase Search Engine Ranking Positions, increase Search Engine Impressions and thus increase the online visibility of our client’s websites… period. Helping your website be found easier by people searching for what you offer. Plain and simple. Our success comes from the consistent results we obtain and our high customer retention rate thanks to our happy customers… this approach has naturally lead to increased clientele and smashing sales goals automatically while ensuring long-lasting relationships and countless referrals.
Over the years, we have had the privilege of working with some of the world’s Top Marketing Agencies, professional SEO Consultants, and Search Engine Marketing Experts. This has allowed us to compile a team of extremely talented professional contractors over the last 2 decades. Our team has proven itself time and time again and our customer retention remains high thanks to the impressive teamwork and outstanding results we obtain on behalf of our clients at DKMarketing.
Formerly based in Los Angeles California, DKing Marketing now holds it’s base of operations in the great state of Florida in the city of Gainesville, home of the University of Florida Gators. Today, DKing Marketing provides web consulting and SEO services for clients worldwide.

To learn more about what we can do to help you increase the visibility of your website, please accept our offer to provide you with a FREE SEO Analysis and Consultation: